Notes on using the Nokia 5110 display Firstly, the display uses 3.3 Volts. SPI Bus The Nokia display is mode 0 SPI. I used a SCK rate of 8MHz/128 Note that SS MUST be an output or there is a danger of the SPI bus going into slave mode. There is some example code based on the Sparkfun example. See the P31 website for download. I had to make the following changes to the software: change references to char to be uint8_t change references to byte to be uint8_t (but beware LCD_clear needs a uint16_t) I defined my own RST,D/C,and SCE pins. I then defined all my outputs at once in the normal port_direction_init() function It is necessary to initialise the SPI bus using: init_spi(3); // (I used 3 to go as slow as possible) If you change the pins, use make clean to force a recompile. I modified LCDWrite to look like: //There are two memory banks in the LCD, data/RAM and commands. This //function sets the DC pin high or low depending, and then sends //the data byte void LCDWrite(uint8_t data_or_command, uint8_t data) { if (data_or_command) { PORTB |= (1<