Comparative Architectures - Lecture 16 - Guest Lecture

"The Wall Ahead is Made of Rubber"

Krisztián Flautner, Director of R&D at ARM Ltd.
9am, Friday 22nd February
Lecture Theatre 2

Silicon technology evolution over the last four decades has yielded an exponential increase in integration densities with steady improvements of performance and power consumption at each technology generation. This steady progress has created a sense of entitlement for the riches that future process generations would bring. Today, however, classical process scaling seems to be dead and living up to technology expectations requires continuous innovation at many levels, which comes at steadily progressing implementation and design costs. Solutions to problems need to cut across layers of abstractions and require coordination between software, architecture and circuit features.

Krisztián Flautner is the director of R&D at ARM Ltd. His research interests include high-performance, energy efficient processing platforms and advanced software environments. Flautner received a PhD in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan. He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE.

Coffee, biscuits and croissants from 8.50am.

Robert Mullins
Last modified: Tue Feb 19 11:47:32 GMT 2008