// Verilog output file generated at 29/04/2016 12:11:41 // Kiwi Scientific Acceleration (KiwiC .net/CIL/C# to Verilog/SystemC compiler): Version alpha 2.03c Interim: 25-Apr-2016 Unix // /home/djg11/d320/hprls/kiwipro/kiwic/distro/lib/kiwic.exe seven-segment.exe -vnl-roundtrip=disable -vnl-resets=synchronous -vnl=seven-segment.v -vnl-rootmodname=DUT module DUT(input clear, output reg [31:0] segments, output reg [31:0] strobes, input clk, input reset); reg signed [31:0] A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[10:0]; integer seven_segment_digit_on_display; integer sTMT4Main_V_0; integer Tsre2_0_V_0; integer Tssc3_5_V_0; integer Tsin4_0_V_0; integer Tsin4_0_V_1; reg signed [31:0] A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[3:0]; reg [31:0] A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_RDD0; reg [3:0] A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_AD0; reg A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_REN0; reg xpc10_stall; wire xpc10_clear; reg [31:0] SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10hold; reg SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10shot0; reg [3:0] xpc10nz; always @(* ) begin A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_AD0 = 0; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_REN0 = 0; if (!xpc10_stall) begin A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_REN0 = ((xpc10nz==3'd7/*7:US*/)? 1'd1: 1'd0); if ((xpc10nz==3'd7/*7:US*/)) A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_AD0 = A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&((1'd1+seven_segment_digit_on_display )%3'd4)]; end end always @(posedge clk ) begin //Start structure HPR @_SINT/CC/SCALbx12_ARB0 if (reset) A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_RDD0 <= 32'd0; else A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_RDD0 <= A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_AD0]; //End structure HPR @_SINT/CC/SCALbx12_ARB0 //Start structure HPR seven-segment.exe if (reset) begin Tsre2_0_V_0 <= 32'd0; strobes <= 32'd0; segments <= 32'd0; Tsin4_0_V_1 <= 32'd0; Tsin4_0_V_0 <= 32'd0; Tssc3_5_V_0 <= 32'd0; seven_segment_digit_on_display <= 32'd0; sTMT4Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10hold <= 32'd0; SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10shot0 <= 1'd0; xpc10nz <= 4'd0; end else begin if (!xpc10_stall) case (xpc10nz) 0/*0:US*/: begin seven_segment_digit_on_display <= 32'd0; sTMT4Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[2'd3] <= 32'd0; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[2'd2] <= 32'd0; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[1'd1] <= 32'd0; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 32'd0; end 1'd1/*1:US*/: Tssc3_5_V_0 <= 32'd1+Tssc3_5_V_0; 3'd4/*4:US*/: sTMT4Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; 4'd8/*8:US*/: begin strobes <= (32'd1<<(5'd31&32'hffffffff&((1'd1+seven_segment_digit_on_display)%3'd4))); segments <= A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_RDD0; Tssc3_5_V_0 <= 32'd0; seven_segment_digit_on_display <= ((1'd1+seven_segment_digit_on_display)%3'd4); sTMT4Main_V_0 <= 32'd1+sTMT4Main_V_0; end endcase if ((xpc10nz==0/*0:US*/)) xpc10nz <= 4'd10/*10:xpc10nz*/; if (SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10shot0 && (xpc10nz==4'd8/*8:US*/)) xpc10nz <= 3'd6/*6:xpc10nz*/; case (xpc10nz) 2'd2/*2:US*/: begin if (!(!Tsin4_0_V_1)) begin if (!(!Tsin4_0_V_1) && !xpc10_stall) A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[Tsin4_0_V_0] <= 32'hffffffff&Tsin4_0_V_1; xpc10nz <= 3'd4/*4:xpc10nz*/; end else begin if (!Tsin4_0_V_1 && !xpc10_stall) A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[Tsin4_0_V_0] <= 32'hffffffff&Tsin4_0_V_1; xpc10nz <= 3'd5/*5:xpc10nz*/; end if (!Tsin4_0_V_1 && !xpc10_stall) Tsin4_0_V_0 <= 32'd1+Tsin4_0_V_0; end 3'd5/*5:US*/: begin if ((Tsin4_0_V_0<3'd4)) xpc10nz <= 2'd2/*2:xpc10nz*/; else xpc10nz <= 3'd4/*4:xpc10nz*/; if ((Tsin4_0_V_0<3'd4) && (4'd10/*10:MS*/==(32'hffffffff&Tsin4_0_V_0+A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[Tsin4_0_V_0])) && !xpc10_stall) Tsin4_0_V_1 <= 32'd0; if ((Tsin4_0_V_0<3'd4) && (4'd10/*10:MS*/!=(32'hffffffff&Tsin4_0_V_0+A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[Tsin4_0_V_0])) && !xpc10_stall) Tsin4_0_V_1 <= Tsin4_0_V_0+A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[Tsin4_0_V_0]; end 3'd6/*6:US*/: begin if ((Tssc3_5_V_0>=3'd4) && (sTMT4Main_V_0==4'd10/*10:US*/) && !xpc10_stall) Tsin4_0_V_0 <= 32'd0; if ((Tssc3_5_V_0>=3'd4) && (sTMT4Main_V_0==4'd10/*10:US*/)) xpc10nz <= 3'd5/*5:xpc10nz*/; if ((Tssc3_5_V_0>=3'd4) && (sTMT4Main_V_0!=4'd10/*10:US*/)) xpc10nz <= 2'd3/*3:xpc10nz*/; if ((Tssc3_5_V_0<3'd4)) xpc10nz <= 1'd1/*1:xpc10nz*/; end 4'd9/*9:US*/: begin if ((Tsre2_0_V_0<3'd4)) begin if ((Tsre2_0_V_0<3'd4) && !xpc10_stall) A_SINT_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[Tsre2_0_V_0] <= 32'd0; xpc10nz <= 4'd9/*9:xpc10nz*/; end else xpc10nz <= 3'd7/*7:xpc10nz*/; if ((Tsre2_0_V_0<3'd4) && !xpc10_stall) Tsre2_0_V_0 <= 32'd1+Tsre2_0_V_0; end 4'd10/*10:US*/: begin if (clear) xpc10nz <= 4'd9/*9:xpc10nz*/; else xpc10nz <= 3'd7/*7:xpc10nz*/; if (clear && !xpc10_stall) Tsre2_0_V_0 <= 32'd0; end endcase if (SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10shot0) SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10hold <= A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0_RDD0; case (xpc10nz) 1'd1/*1:US*/: xpc10nz <= 3'd6/*6:xpc10nz*/; 3'd4/*4:US*/: xpc10nz <= 2'd3/*3:xpc10nz*/; endcase SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10shot0 <= (xpc10nz==3'd7/*7:US*/) && !xpc10_stall; if ((xpc10nz==2'd3/*3:US*/)) xpc10nz <= 4'd10/*10:xpc10nz*/; if ((xpc10nz==3'd7/*7:US*/)) xpc10nz <= 4'd8/*8:xpc10nz*/; end //End structure HPR seven-segment.exe end always @(*) xpc10_stall = !SINTCCSCALbx12ARB0RRh10shot0 && (xpc10nz==4'd8/*8:US*/); initial begin //ROM data table: 11 words of 32 bits. A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[0] = 32'h1; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[1] = 32'h4f; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[2] = 32'h12; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[3] = 32'h6; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[4] = 32'h4c; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[5] = 32'h24; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[6] = 32'h60; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[7] = 32'hf; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[8] = 32'h0; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[9] = 32'hc; A_SINT_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[10] = 32'h7e; end // 2 vectors of width 4 // 3 vectors of width 1 // 2 vectors of width 32 // 15 array locations of width 32 // 192 bits in scalar variables // Total state bits in module = 747 bits. // 1 continuously assigned (wire/non-state) bits // Total number of leaf cells = 0 endmodule