Rainbow Group Website --------------------- The website https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/rainbow/ is formatted by the ucampas system https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/local/web/ucampas/ and version-controlled via Subversion as explained at https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/local/web/subversion/ The most obvious things to remember are: * If a file in /anfs/www/VH-cl/html/research/rainbow is owned by user wwwupdate, then this part of the website is managed via Subversion. Therefore, in your own working space, do svn checkout svn+ssh://wwwsvn@svn-www.cl.cam.ac.uk/rainbow and edit the web pages in there, rather than in Apache's working directory /anfs/www/VH-cl/html/research/rainbow. An "svn commit" will cause the latter to be updated and reformatted automatically. * Always edit the "-b.html" version of the file; ucampas will autogenerate the ".html" version. * To add a new research topic, create an appropriate file in the research directory and then edit uconfig.txt there to ensure that the file is included in the navigation index. * This Subversion repository was not intended to host huge binary files (e.g., video recordings) or huge data-file collections. You can instead place those directly onto the filer, into the Subversion working directory of the web server under /anfs/www/html/research/rainbow/ where they can sit side-by-side with the files managed by Subversion. To get write access there, you need to be a member of the Unix group "rainbow-web". Files managed by Subversion will be owned by user "wwwupdate", whereas other files placed there directly will usually be owned by whoever placed them there. Website Access From Windows --------------------------- 1. Set up an SSH key pair: First, use puttygen to make an SSH key pair. See https://www.cst.cam.ac.uk/local/sys/ssh/windows#public-key for details. In case you have already generated a key pair for remote access to other machines, you might as well use the same key pair for this. 2. Get Subversion access to website: Upload your public key for access to the lab's Subversion repositories for web pages: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/local/web/subversion/#getaccess 3. Install TortoiseSVN: TortoiseSVN is a Subversion client that integrates into the Windows File Explorer; it might be available via "Run Advertised Programs" in the Control Panel. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/local/web/subversion/#windows 4. Check out working copy: Make a local directory, perhaps on the desktop, and call it something like "rainbow-web". Right click on it and select "SVN Checkout...". The URL of the repository should be svn+ssh://wwwsvn@svn-www.cl.cam.ac.uk/rainbow and the checkout directory is what you called it. Use a fully recursive checkout. 5. Edit web pages: You can now edit files locally, remembering to use Subversion to "Add" new files explicitly. It is prudent to right click on the directory and select "SVN Update" if you come back to it after someone else may have made changes. When you have finished a batch of changes, right click on the directory and select "SVN Commit". Ucampas will be run automatically.