The Goal Stack

The goal stack provides a simple interface to tactic-based proof. When one uses tactics to decompose a proof, many intermediate states arise; the goalstack takes care of the necessary bookeeping. The implementation of goalstacks reported here is a mild extension of that used in hol88. The major difference is that more extensive assistance is provided for having more than one proof at a time, which was an undocumented and not well supported feature of the hol88 implementation.

The abstract types of goalstack and proofs are the focus of backwards proof operations. The type of proofs can be regarded as a list of independent goalstacks, each with its own state. (Strictly speaking, it is misleading to call these things proofs, but we are using the term in the informal sense of "working on some proofs".) Most operations act on the head of the list of goalstacks, and there are operations so that the focus can change to other goalstacks. A new feature is that the prettyprinting of goals can be changed interactively, thus giving users some control over the "look-and-feel" of the goalstack interface.

User Manual Table of Contents

Starting a goalstack proof

    val set_goal :goal -> proofs
    val g : term frag list -> proofs
Recall that the type goal is an abbreviation for term list * term. To start on a new goal, one gives set_goal a goal. This creates a new goalstack and makes it the focus of further operations. For example, if we wanted to prove the arithmetic theorem
    x<y |- (y - x) + x = x
then we would invoke set_goal as follows:
    - set_goal([--`x < y`--],  --`(y - x) + x = x`--);
    val it =
      Status: 1 proof.
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `(y - x) + x = x`
               `x < y`
       : proofs
To understand the response from hol90, we should look again at the type of set_goal: it returns a value of type proofs. This is an abstract type and, in keeping with the principle of abstraction, its values would normally be displayed in an uninformative manner. However custom prettyprinters for goalstack and proofs have been installed in the SML/NJ system prettyprinter tables in order to give us better information. Note. In writing these examples, we turned off some specialized printing support with the following invocations:
    term_pp_prefix := "";  term_pp_suffix := "";
A shorthand for set_goal is the function g: it invokes the parser automatically, and it doesn't allow the the goal to have any assumptions.
    - g`!x y. x < y ==> ((y - x) + x = x)`;
    val it =
      Status: 2 proofs.
      2. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `(y - x) + x = x`
               `x < y`
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!x y. x < y ==> ((y - x) + x = x)`
   : proofs
Calling set_goal, or g, adds a new proof attempt to the existing ones, i.e., rather than overwriting the current proof attempt, the new attempt is stacked on top.

Beginning of the Goal Stack.

Applying a tactic to a goal

    val expandf : tactic -> goalstack
    val expand : tactic -> goalstack
    val e : tactic -> goalstack
How does one actually do a goalstack proof then? In most cases, the application of tactics to the current goal is done with the function expand. In the rare case that one wants to apply an invalid tactic, then expandf is used. (For an explanation of invalid tactics, see Chapter 24 of Gordon&Melham.) The abbreviation e may also be used to expand a tactic. We expand the current goal by a call to INDUCT_TAC.
    - expand INDUCT_TAC;
    2 subgoals:
    val it =
      `!y. SUC x < y ==> ((y - SUC x) + SUC x = SUC x)`
          `!y. x < y ==> ((y - x) + x = x)`
      `!y. 0 < y ==> ((y - 0) + 0 = 0)`
   : goalstack

         REWRITE_TAC (map (theorem "arithmetic")
    = OK..
    1 subgoal:
    val it =
      `0 < SUC y ==> (SUC y = 0)`
          `0 < y ==> ((y - 0) + 0 = 0)`
       : goalstack
Notice that the second tactic expansion has silently solved the base case of the second induction.

Beginning of the Goal Stack.


    val backup : unit -> goalstack
    val b : unit -> goalstack
    val restart : unit -> goalstack
    val drop : unit -> proofs
    val set_backup : int -> unit
Often (we are tempted to say usually!) one takes a wrong path in doing a proof, or makes a mistake when setting a goal. To undo a step in the goalstack, the function backup and its abbreviation b are used. This will restore the goalstack to its previous state.
    - b();

    val it =
      `!y. SUC x < y ==> ((y - SUC x) + SUC x = SUC x)`
          `!y. x < y ==> ((y - x) + x = x)`
      `!y. 0 < y ==> ((y - 0) + 0 = 0)`
   : goalstack
To directly back up all the way to the original goal, the function restart may be used. Obviously, it is also important to get rid of proof attempts that are wrong; for that we have drop:
    - drop();
    val it =
      Status: 1 proof.
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `(y - x) + x = x`
               `x < y`
       : proofs

    - drop();
    val it = There are currently no proofs. : proofs
Each proof attempt has its own undo-list of previous states. The undo-list for each attempt is of fixed size (initially 12). If you wish to set this value for the current proof attempt, the function set_backup can be used. If the size of the backup list is set to be smaller than it currently is, the undo list will be immediately truncated. You can not undo a "proofs-level" operation, such as set_goal or drop.

Beginning of the Goal Stack.

Viewing the state of the proof manager

    val p : unit -> goalstack
    val status : unit -> proofs
    val initial_goal : unit -> goal
    val top_goal  : unit -> goal
    val top_goals : unit -> goal list
    val top_thm : unit -> thm
To view the state of the proof manager at any time, the functions p and status can be used. The former only shows the top subgoals in the current goalstack, while the second gives a summary of every proof attempt. In the following, we start a new proof, and do a tactic expansion before checking the status.
    - g `!n. n <= FACT n`;
    val it =
      Status: 1 proof.
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!n. n <= FACT n`
       : proofs

         REWRITE_TAC[definition "arithmetic" "FACT"]);
    = OK..
    2 subgoals:
    val it =
      `SUC n <= SUC n * FACT n`
          `n <= FACT n`
      `0 <= 1`
       : goalstack

    - status();
    val it =
      Status: 1 proof.
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!n. n <= FACT n`
           Current goal:
           `0 <= 1`
       : proofs
Now we suddenly realize that we need a lemma, so we push it on the list of proofs.
    - g`!x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y*x`;
    val it =
      Status: 2 proofs.
      2. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!n. n <= FACT n`
           Current goal:
           `0 <= 1`
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x`
       : proofs
To get the top goal or goals of a proof attempt, use top_goal and top_goals. To get the original goal of a proof attempt, use initial_goal.
    - top_goal();

    val it = ([],`!x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x`) : goal
Once a theorem has been proved, the goalstack that was used to derive it still exists (and the undo-list is still there): its only job now is to hold the theorem. This theorem can be retrieved with top_thm. Let us prove the lemma straightaway:
    REWRITE_TAC[theorem "prim_rec" "NOT_LESS_0"] THEN
    REWRITE_TAC[theorem "arithmetic" "ZERO_LESS_EQ"] THEN 
    PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[theorem "arithmetic" "MULT_SYM"] THEN
    MATCH_MP_TAC (REWRITE_RULE[theorem "arithmetic" "MULT_CLAUSES"]
                 (SPEC(--`1`--) (theorem "arithmetic" "LESS_MONO_MULT"))) THEN
                   [GSYM (theorem "arithmetic" "LESS_EQ_MONO")] 
                   (SPEC(--`x:num`--) (theorem "arithmetic" "ZERO_LESS_EQ")), 

    = = = = val it = fn : tactic

    - e it;
    val it =
      Initial goal proved.
      |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x : goalstack

    - top_thm();

    val it = |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x : thm
When we check the status, we see that the attempt has been completed.
    - status();
    val it =
      Status: 2 proofs.
      2. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!n. n <= FACT n`
           Current goal:
           `0 <= 1`
      1. Completed: |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x
      : proofs

Beginning of the Goal Stack.

Switch focus to a different subgoal or proof attempt

    val rotate : int -> goalstack
    val r : int -> goalstack

    val rotate_proofs : int -> proofs
    val R : int -> proofs
Often we want to switch our attention to a different goal, or a different proof. The functions that do this are rotate and rotate_proofs, respectively. The abbreviations r and R are simpler to type in. For example, let's rotate to the unfinished proof:
    - R 1;
    val it =
      Status: 2 proofs.
      2. Completed: |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!n. n <= FACT n`
           Current goal:
           `0 <= 1`
   : proofs
When we examine the goalstack, we see that the first subgoal is trivial, so let's defer it by rotating to the other subgoal:
    - p();
    val it =
      `SUC n <= SUC n * FACT n`
          `n <= FACT n`
      `0 <= 1`
     : goalstack

    - r 1;
    val it =
      `0 <= 1`
      `SUC n <= SUC n * FACT n`
          `n <= FACT n`
    : goalstack
Now we find that we can use the theorem we just proved, but we have to go and get it:
    - R 1;
    val it =
      Status: 2 proofs.
      2. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!n. n <= FACT n`
           Current goal:
           `SUC n <= SUC n * FACT n`
               `n <= FACT n`
      1. Completed: |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x
       : proofs

    - val th = top_thm();

    val th = |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x : thm

Now rotate back:
    - R 1;
    val it =
      Status: 2 proofs.
      2. Completed: |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `!n. n <= FACT n`
           Current goal:
           `SUC n <= SUC n * FACT n`
               `n <= FACT n`
   : proofs
and apply the theorem:
    - e (MATCH_MP_TAC th);
    1 subgoal:
    val it =
      `0 < FACT n`
          `n <= FACT n`
       : goalstack
Now it is simple to apply a pre-proved theorem:
    - e (MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC (theorem "arithmetic" "FACT_LESS"));

    Goal proved.
    |- 0 < FACT n

    Goal proved.
    |- SUC n <= SUC n * FACT n

    Remaining subgoals:
    val it =
      `0 <= 1`
   : goalstack
We are left with the trivial goal: it is quickly polished off:
    - e (MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC (theorem "arithmetic" "ZERO_LESS_EQ"));

    Goal proved.
    |- 0 <= 1
    val it =
      Initial goal proved.
      |- !n. n <= FACT n : goalstack

    - status();
    val it =
      Status: 2 proofs.
      2. Completed: |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x
      1. Completed: |- !n. n <= FACT n
       : proofs
The sharp-eyed reader will have seen that we have actually made no use of the inductive hypothesis in this proof. We can restart and do a proof by cases:
    - restart();
    val it =
      Initial goal:
      `!n. n <= FACT n`
       : goalstack

             (SPEC(--`n:num`--) (theorem "arithmetic" "num_CASES")) THEN
      ASM_REWRITE_TAC[definition "arithmetic" "FACT"]
      [MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC (theorem "arithmetic" "ZERO_LESS_EQ"),
       MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC (theorem "arithmetic" "FACT_LESS")];
    = = = = = = = val it = fn : tactic

    - e it;
    val it =
      Initial goal proved.
      |- !n. n <= FACT n : goalstack

    - status();
    val it =
      Status: 2 proofs.
      2. Completed: |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x
      1. Completed: |- !n. n <= FACT n
       : proofs

Beginning of the Goal Stack.


    val set_goal_pp : (ppstream -> goal -> unit) -> (ppstream -> goal -> unit)
    val pp_goalstack : ppstream -> goalstack -> unit
    val pp_proofs : ppstream -> proofs -> unit
In order to support customization of the goalstack interface, we provide the function set_goal_pp, which allows us to change the way goals are printed. First let us define a new goal prettyprinter:
    local fun enumerate L = 
             snd(itlist (fn x => fn (n,A) => (n+1, (n,x)::A)) L (1,[]))
    fun pp_goal ppstrm (asl,w) =
       let val {add_string, add_break, begin_block, 
                end_block, add_newline, ...} = PP.with_ppstream ppstrm
           val pr = Term_io.Hol_pp.pp_term ppstrm
         begin_block PP.CONSISTENT 0;
           if null(asl)
           then add_newline()
           else (add_string "Hypotheses:";
                 begin_block PP.CONSISTENT 0;
                 PP.pr_list (fn (n,tm) => (begin_block PP.INCONSISTENT 0;
                                           add_string (Lib.int_to_string n);
                                           add_string ". ";
                                           pr tm;
                            (fn () => ()) add_newline (rev (enumerate asl));
                 end_block (); add_newline());
           add_string (!Globals.goal_line);
           add_newline ();
           begin_block PP.CONSISTENT 2;
             add_string "Goal:  "; begin_block PP.CONSISTENT 0;
                                   pr w; 
           add_newline (); add_newline();
         end_block ()
       handle e => (Lib.say "\nError in attempting to print a goal!\n";
                    raise e)
Note that installing a prettyprinter returns the value of the current prettyprinter.
    - val old_pp = set_goal_pp pp_goal;
    val old_pp = fn : System.PrettyPrint.ppstream -> goal -> unit

    - g `(A = B) ==> (C = D) ==> (E = F) ==> (A /\ C /\ E = B /\ D /\ F)`;
    val it =
      Status: 3 proofs.
      3. Completed: |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x
      2. Completed: |- !n. n <= FACT n
      1. Incomplete:
           Initial goal:
           `(A = B) ==> (C = D) ==> (E = F) ==> (A /\ C /\ E = B /\ D /\ F)`
   : proofs
This new prettyprinter numbers the hypotheses, which can make goals more readable.
    1 subgoal:
    val it =
      1. A = B
      2. C = D
      3. E = F
      Goal:  A /\ C /\ E = B /\ D /\ F
     : goalstack

    - e (ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]);

    Goal proved.
    [A = B, C = D, E = F] |- A /\ C /\ E = B /\ D /\ F
    val it =
      Initial goal proved.
      |- (A = B) ==> (C = D) ==> (E = F) ==> (A /\ C /\ E = B /\ D /\ F)
      : goalstack

    - status();
    val it =
      Status: 3 proofs.
      3. Completed: |- !x y. 0 < x ==> y <= y * x
      2. Completed: |- !n. n <= FACT n
      1. Completed:
           |- (A = B) ==> (C = D) ==> (E = F) ==> (A /\ C /\ E = B /\ D /\ F)
       : proofs
And now, we can reset the prettyprinter and see things the old way:
    - b();
    val it =
      1. A = B
      2. C = D
      3. E = F
      Goal:  A /\ C /\ E = B /\ D /\ F
       : goalstack

    - set_goal_pp old_pp;
    val it = fn : System.PrettyPrint.ppstream -> goal -> unit

    - p();
    val it =
      `A /\ C /\ E = B /\ D /\ F`
          `A = B`
          `C = D`
          `E = F`
       : goalstack

Beginning of Goal Stack
User Manual Table of Contents.
Konrad Slind,