Figure 1a (Page 2) is used as a motivational experiment to show that Hadoop MapReduce is capable of interfering with the behavour of precision time protocol.

Figure 1

Software Required

In addition to these general software requirements, we also used:

Physical Configuration

The basic physical network configuration is described here. In this experiment the following configuration was used:


To obtain more detailed results from memaslap, we patched it to collect statistics in memory and dump them to standard output when complete. The patch file should be applied to the clients sub-directory of the libmemcached 1.0.15 source tree listed above. To build memaslap, run "./configure --enable-memaslap" followed by "make && sudo make install".

Sofware Configuration

The full Hadoop Map-Reduce configuration can be found here. The PTPd client and server were configured as follows:


e=1; p=0; ./ -p $${p} -c "ptpd -c -b eth6.2 -y 0 -D -h -T 10"


e=0; p=7; ./ -p $${p} -c "ptpd -x -c -g -D -b eth0 -h -T 10 -f ../data/ptpdCFRS201_memcachedBS206_hadoop_R2D2P$${p}_PTPD_$${e}

Where "$$e" is th experiment number and "$$p" is the QJump prioirty level.

Memcached and memaslap were configued as follows:


e=1; p=0; sudo ./ -p $${p} -c "/usr/bin/memcached -m 64 -p 11211 -u memcache"


e=1; p=0; for {1..25}; do
   ./ -p $${p} -c "../clients/memaslap -s -S 1s -B -T2 -c 128 -X 1024" > ../data/ptpdCFRS201_memcachedBS206_hadoop_R2D2P$${p}_$$(printf "%02i" $${i})_MEMD_$${e};

Where "$$e" is th experiment number and "$$p" is the QJump prioirty level.

When QJump was enabled, it was configured as follows

bytesq=256 timeq=5 p0rate=1 p4rate=100 p7rate=9999999

Raw Data

PTPd Data

Our original unprocessed datasets can be found here (109kB). Inside the archive are file names of form:

Each file contains around 600 entiries and 7 lines of headers. Entires in the file are of the form:

2014-01-22 19:51:27:363605, slv, 90e2bafffe27fbc8/01, 0.000140635, -0.000019134, 0.000197000, 0.000108000, 21106

Where the first column is the timestamp, and the fifth coloum is the syncornization offset.

Memcached Data

Our original unprocessed datasets can be found here. There are 10 archives of approx 310MB each. The file names are of the form:

Each file contains 1,800,000 entiries and 8 lines of headers/footers. Entires in the file are of the form:


Processing and plotting the results

The processing and plotting scripts can be found here. To produce Figure 1, we ran the following:

python \
../data/ptpd/ptpdCFRS201_R2D2P0_PTPD_0 \
../data/ptpd/ptpdCFRS201_memcachedBS206_hadoop_R2D2P0_PTPD_3 \
../data/ptpd/ptpdCFRS201_memcachedBS206_hadoop_R2D2P7_PTPD_1 \