University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory Minutes of the 100th Health and Safety Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 18th June in GS15 Present: P Brooks (Chairman), C Bean, M Levitt, P Neaves, A Leeke, S Bishop, D Thompson (Secretary), M Kuhn, A Hughes, A Brown, G Titmus Apologies: R Moss, A Wonfor, J Cartwright, K Ellis 1. Items for Any Other Business None 2. Any Corrections to Previous Minutes None 3. Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports NR031 A member of staff was riding his bicycle when the basked pitched forward and stopped the bike sending the person over the handlebars. A first aider was called. NR032 A member of staff was driving home form work and was hit by a car from behind. Came in to work the next day and reported stiffness. 4. Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral Forms None 5. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes 5.1 (7.2) Lecture Theatres PAN reported that the flap replacement is in hand. Action AB/PAN 5.2 (5.3) Key Holders A list of nominated persons from each department for emergency purposes has been collected. AB to check with nominated persons if they are prepared to allow their name to be used on these minutes. Action: AB/PAN 5.3 (5.7) First Aid Room AB has been looking in to getting a recliner for the first aid room to be put at the far side of the room opposite the couch. AB to check and obtain a plastic chair with cover for use within the first aid room. Action AB/PAN 5.4 (5.10) Road Markings PB still to look into road marking off to Physics car park. Action PB 6 Any Other Business 6.1 (6.2) Cockroft 4 Students have complained about the low temperature in Cockroft 4. AB to talk to Will Smith at the Computing Service. Action AB 6.2 (6.7) New Drinks Vending Machine A mat has been ordered to go in front of the vending machine. When this arrives the carpet will be washed and then the day after the mat will be put down. 7. Correspondence 7.1 Signing at Reception Consensus of opinion says that general visitors to the building do not need to wear badges but all visitors need to book in at reception with their vehicle registration. Contractors visiting site will be issued with contract tags. 7.2 Outer Toilet doors A user has noticed that there are locks on the outer toilet doors and was worried about getting locked in. If they needed to be locked they would all be checked before hand. 8. Date for future Meetings Meeting will take place at 14.15 in GC22 on the third Wednesday of every month unless stated otherwise:- 16th July, 20th August, 17th September, 15th October, 19th November, 17th December PB/DT 19th June 2003