University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory Minutes of the 99th Health and Safety Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 21st May in GC22 Present: P Brooks (Chairman), C Bean, K Ellis (Secretary), M Levitt, P Neaves, R Moss, A Leeke, Will Hudson (Safety Office), I Leslie, Steven Bishop, Diena Thompson Apologies: Maurice Read (University Fire Officer), G Titmus, M Kuhn, A Brown, J Cartwright, A Wonfor 0. New Member and Visitors We welcomed smb50 as a new member of the committee, representing Research Students. wjh29 from the Safety Office came to explain the Safety Audit which will be happening next year and dt244 will be helping kw10006 during her maternity leave. 1. Items for Any Other Business None 2. Any Corrections to Previous Minutes None 3. Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports NR026: An Undergraduate skidded and came off his bike on the pathway round the Cavendish. A first aider was called. NR027: A member of staff felt dizzy whilst riding their bike. The bike swerved and she hit a roadside post. Got to the department and a first aider attended NR028: An Undergraduate fainted in a lecture for a few moments. A first aider was called and he was recommended to see his College Nurse. NR029: An MPhil Student tripped and grazed his right hand. A first aider was called. 4. Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral Forms None 5. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes 5.1 (7.2) Lecture Theatres It was reported that the Metal flaps in the lecture theatres still need changing to wood. AB/PAN will sort this out. Action AB/PAN 5.2 (7.4) Failure of locking system in the building Chubb are to change the single switch for a double switch break glass. This will be wired into the magnetic locks and the pneumatic bolts. It is planned to put a key over-ride switch for the magnetic lock on the door from the street to the cycle store. This can be used to over-ride the lock in cases of emergency. Action: AB 5.3 (7.5) Key Holders PB noted that Key holders are done by departments rather than by building. The question was then raised “should all key holders of all users of the building know about all of the building?” Intel reported they have a cage in their IT room to which only a few Intel employees can have keys. PAN said we should have a backup list of contacts from each department for emergency purposes for equipment within their departments. Action: AB/PAN 5.4 Fire PB reported that the fire certificate is nearly here. They are currently changing the 2 doors to Student Admin and Reception which will be fitted with a fire door closer system. Over the weekend the fire brigade were called out because someone had “over cooked” a pizza in the SC kitchenette. Smoke got all the way through to the SC gridline E corridor. After discussion it was decided that signs would go up on the microwaves around the building. (Afternote: Done) Action: MAL, KE, DT 5.5 (5.2) Risk Assessments WH reported that he had spoken to Mike Wetton from EMBS who said there was a risk assessment done in his head but not written down. The committee decided that WH is to contact him again to ask for it in writing. Risk assessment for proposed EMBS tower is still to be carried out by Building Services. Still awaiting a response from the Safety Office on the new proposed electrical testing Code of Practice. 5.6 (5.3) Hot Works Permits AB drafted a Hot works permit to cover immediate use prior to going on holiday. A final document will be completed by the next health and safety meeting. Action: AB 5.7 (5.4) Working on the Roof Space A report on Dean and Bowes proposals for a walk way is still to be received. Action: AB 5.8 (5.5) Maximum Room Occupancy PAN contacted the University Fire Officer who came in and walked around the relevant rooms. It was decided that he would work out the room occupancy and write to the department stating the maximum amount per room. (Afternote: Done) 5.9 (6.1) Air Conditioning MK asked if there was a procedure to turn off the air conditioning units within the building in case of a chemical alert. It was thought by PAN that the handling units could be turned off but because the building is not air tight, gases could still ingress the building. AB to clarify at the next meeting. Action: AB 5.10 (6.2) Rubbish outside Intel Labs PAN contacted T Palmer, EMBS about getting 2 more bins to help with the extra rubbish from Engineering and Intel. It was decided after this that it would be easier to organise 3 weekly pick ups from the council instead. (Afternote: Done) Action: PAN 6 Any Other Business None 7. Correspondence 7.1 First Aid Room The committee discussed the First Aid Room. It was decided that it needs revamping the following would be done: A box of disposable gloves on the wall Mirror on the wall Soap Dispenser Cabinet, for locking valuable items away Folding Screen 7.2 New First Aider Steven Bishop one of our RA’s (soon to be an RS) will be joining the team of First Aiders within the department. 7.3 Glass Screen Door The glass screen in the common room on the first floor has now been replaced. 7.4 Annual Safety Conference PB attended an Embedded Lab and Safety Conference last week which mentioned that from May there will be a new website for all. 7.5 Telephone and Computer Cleaning The department had Techclean Services in to clean the telephones and computers. 7.6 New Footpath A new footpath has been made through the vet school while they are building the crèche. 7.7 Front Entrance Doors It has been decided that the front entrance doors be replaced with Sliding Doors. When the fire brigade came round they had a discussion with the department and the architects about the hazards of sliding doors. The architects have gone away to see if they can come up with anything better. This is on going 7.8 Change of Hinges It was reported that all the hinges on all doors within the department have now been changed to comply with building regulations. 7.9 Heating Water Circuit It was reported by an MPhil representative at the SSC that the heating water circuit for the MPhil and under the street appears to have a leak. Building services think it’s under floor but pressure testing cannot take place until summer. This is on going. 7.10 Departmental Showers It was drawn to the committee’s attention that members of the department are using the showers and leaving them untidy and dirty. RM also mentioned that she had had an accident with the door handle which PAN said he would go up and look at. Action: PAN 7.11 Road Markings PB reported that there is no road marking off to physics car park from JJ Thomson Avenue. One accident has already happened; another is just waiting to happen. It was decided that PB and WH would look into this further. Action: PB/WH 7.12 Course on Ladders It was suggested that PAN, HB, AB would attend a course on ladders but it was decided that most of the work will be done with the tower or anything out of reach would have to involve EMBS. 7.13 Intel Teaching Lab A member of staff reported that outside the Intel Teaching Lab, students were sitting dangling their feet over the canopy. IML suggested the possibility of moving the railing over or having plant pots put in place. PAN will talk to the Fire Brigade about this issue further and will report back. 8. Date for future Meetings Meeting will take place at 14.15 in GC22 on the third Wednesday of every month unless stated otherwise:- 18th June, 16th July 20th August, 17th September, 15th October, 19th November, 17th December PB/DT 22nd April 2003