University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Health and Safety Committee


Chairman: Dr P Brooks                                                                      Secretary: Mrs K Ellis


Minutes of a meeting of the Health and Safety Committee held at 14.15 on Tuesday 17th January 2005 in room GC22, William Gates Building.


Present:          Mrs F Billingsley              Dr P Brooks                          Mr I Burton-Palmer     

                        Mr D Cottingham            Mrs K Ellis                            Mr M Kuhn

                        Mrs M Levitt                   Mr M McDonnell                  Mrs C Matthews

                        Mrs R Moss                    Mr A Wonfor                                   


Apologies:      Mrs A Barreto


1.      Minutes of the last meeting


2.      Matters arising from the previous minutes



3.      Correspondence

3.1    PB reported on current University Courses being run. These included: Inspecting the Workplace, Using Containment Facilities, Laser 3B & 4, Glass and Sharp Hazards, Mercury Monitoring, Writing a Safety Policy and Safe use of Artificial Sources of Ultraviolet Radiation.  There was no interest in any of the courses, as they are not relevant, or the people are already trained.


3.2    IBP and MMcD reported they had attended the Patrollers Course which they found very useful.


3.3    MK reported he had attended a Laser Safety Officers Meeting.


3.4    KE received the Annual Safety Review which will be completed, signed by the Head of Department and returned by the end of the month. (Done)


4.      First Aid and Accidents

4.1    PB reported the First Aid Group Meeting was very useful.  They discussed Stroke awareness.  The main point is to get casualties to Addenbrookes as soon as possible.


4.2    PB also said there was a course coming up in February regarding HF/Cyanide.  Due to changes in procedures, the training is greatly reduced, as there is no need to learn to use breathing Apparatus, etc. We do not use any in the department, but our University First Aiders may be called to any department and as Nanotechnology and CAPE use them it would be good to be trained.  AW said that when the Engineering HF/Cyanide users move to the CAPE, they will include trained First Aiders.


4.3    This years First Aid Conference is being used to retrain First Aiders in the new CPR procedures.


5.      Workplace Assessments

5.1    A visually impaired student has requested a monitor stand.  MMcD is currently making a stand to fit.



5.2    A student requested a Kneeling Chair to help with back problems. It was suggested he contact Occupational Health who were very helpful and recommended we supply one, which we did.

5.3    PB reported a Cherry Picker has been in the building to install some high level cabling in Lecture Theatre 1.  While on site Building Services were shown how to use it by its operator, and replaced the lights on the ceiling of the street.  There was some concern that the operator’s instructions and their training in the user of the scaffolding tower were not sufficient to use the cherry picker at 16m.  A general point was made that if any new procedures are carried out, guidance should first be sorted from a suitable expert at the HSD or EMBS.


5.4    Extensions are to be bought for the scaffolding tower to allow safer access to some of the lamps.


6.      Fire

6.1    DC asked about the fire assembly points and if there was actually something somewhere to tell you where to go.  The committee decided that MMcD would prepare a sentence to put on our website.



6.2    MMcD reported there had been a fire evacuation during the night and everyone was asked to leave the building.  It was brought to the committee’s attention that some of the cleaners and a visitor to the building did not leave until instructed to by Fire Wardens.  The matter was taken up with their managers and host to ensure it does not happen again.


7.      Building Matters

7.1    There are ongoing problems with the water in the building.  MMcD and IBP will continue to monitor the temperatures in accordance with L8 water hygiene documentation. 


7.2    We now have new sliding doors in the front of the building and a card reader has been lowered for wheel chair access.  PB is still concerned about the fire procedures relating to the doors and IBP will now contact EMBS/Dorma/Chubb to find a solution. 



7.3    The street balcony cladding will now be taken over by new contractors and again this will be an ongoing job.


7.4    The Committee discussed staff shortages in reception.  It was agreed that people should be more aware of what they should do in an emergency while reception is short staffed.  There are lists of first aiders and what to do in an event of a fire on the notice board in the street and people are urged to use the telephone there.  In particular, Reception should only be given as a contact phone number if it is known to be staffed.


7.5    IBP has now started on the Building Users Manual.  This will be an ongoing event and if anyone has got anything they feel relevant to into the manual to let him know.


8.      West Cambridge Site



9.      Any Other Business

9.1    DC asked what was going to happen to the Chicanes.  It is possible the Chicanes may be re-used on the West Site and moved when required.  We have been told that they should be gone by the end of February.


Dates of the future meetings:


21st February, 21st March, 18th April, 16th May, 20th June (in another room), 18th July and 15th August, 19th September, 17th October, 21st November and 19th December 2006.