University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Health and Safety Committee


Chairman: Dr P Brooks                                                                        Secretary: Mrs L Heptonstall


Minutes of a meeting of the Health and Safety Committee held at 14.15 on Wednesday 20th October 2004 in Room GC22, William Gates Building.

Present:            Dr P Brooks                             Mrs C Matthews

                        Mrs L Heptonstall                     Mr M McDonnell                    

                        Mr A Brown                            Mr D Turner

                        Mrs M Levitt                            Mr D Cottingham

                        Mrs F Billingsley                      


Apologies:        Mrs R Moss, Ms V Capaldi, Dr M Kuhn


0.  New members


The committee welcomed David Cottingham who is trained in Health and Safety and Dave Turner a Red Cross trained First Aider, who have shown an interest in joining the committee.


1.      Minutes of the last meeting


1.1 The minutes of the meeting held on the 15th September were approved and signed.

2.      Matters arising from the Minutes


2.1 (7.3) AB reported that the coffee machine on the first floor has been replaced with a brand new one.

2.2 (7.4) There has been no progress made as yet with the glass doors in the showers.


                                                                                                                     ACTION PB

3.  Correspondence


3.1 We have received information of a Laser Safety Course for class 3b and 4 users. We do not have any need for this.


3.2 An email on a Risk Management session has been received and PB is to discuss it with AH.


                                                                                                                        ACTION PB

4   First Aid and Accidents

4.1 NRO45 – A cyclist collided with another cyclist in the Coton Footpath. Had 2 cuts on wrist, first aid was given.


4.2 NRO46 – A cyclist ran into her on Clerk Maxwell Road. Her hand was grazed and first aid was given.


4.3 A member of staff at the lab was also involved in a road accident off site and seriously damaged his leg. He is now out of hospital, his leg is in plaster and he is back at work on crutches.


4.4 There has been a reminder sent about a refresher course for First Aiders with only one week’s notice being given. The chairman requested that all First Aiders keep a note of when they are due to go on a refresher course as the organisers often forget to remind individuals and a weeks notice is sometimes difficult to arrange cover.


4.5 There is a new student here with a nut, feather, fish, milk and egg allergy. Building users are to be aware of anything that may cause reaction to this. PB advised that a course will be available for First Aiders and non First Aiders in how to use an Epipen such as the one the student carries. PB confirmed for the committee that First Aiders are only allowed to assist with an Epipen and cannot administer it. Non First Aiders may help in any way they can, as they have not been trained in first aid. PB will contact the student concerned to see if any of his colleagues are interested in the training.


5.  Workplace Assessments 


5.1 It was reported that 40 WPA’s have been returned so far. The majority of them do not need following up but a few people have requested attention to monitor and height of chairs and desks. PB also reported that there are now a number of people in the Lab with Upper Limb disorders. One of them is seeking medical help and PB will advise him to see the Occupational Health Department.

                                                                                                                        ACTION PB

6 Fire


6.1 Congratulations to Martin McDonnell who is now a fully trained FSM. AB said that the paperwork for Part 1 to be completed hasn’t been received but PB says it is available online and he will print it out for him. CEB to send in notification of change of FSM

                                                                                                                        ACTION PB/CAM



“It is a University requirement that before anyone goes anywhere on University premises, evacuation, rather than rescue, must be possible.”

Any users who are in wheelchairs or in anyway incapable of being evacuated and not rescued from the building must be aware that they should not be on the premises out of office hours unless they are with other people who are willing to help them evacuate when necessary. MAL reported that Sir Maurice Wilkes has been informed of this and feels confident he will be OK in the event of an emergency. The Evac+chair training still has not taken place and PB is to inform the group and building users of the date as soon as he knows. We will normally try to have two people assisting whenever an Evac+Chair is used. The boards for the Evac+chairs to be mounted onto are ready to be stained and then put in place on the second floor.

                                                                                                                        ACTION MMcD/AB


6.3 PB reported that he has completed his first Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan with a new Undergraduate student.



7. Building Matters

7.1   It was reported that the main effect of last weeks power cut was that it compromised the security of the building as some doors wouldn’t open, but as they would in an emergency, no real Health and Safety issues were raised.                         


7.2 When the phones were down last week we had no way of contacting the emergency services if needed. It was agreed we would have to rely on peoples mobile phones.


7.3 AB reported that the GS fit out had passed its Health and Safety checks at 95% and above continuously.


8. Any Other Business


8.1 Several members of the committee have noticed people exiting the car park way above the speed limit at at least 20 mph.


8.2 AB informed the group that barriers are going up to stop people who have been going over the grass to gain access to the car park.  A notice will also be erected to provide people with securities number in case they have any problems with the barrier.


8.3 The lighting in the car park area and JJ Thomson Avenue was fund to be a concern amongst all members as winter is approaching and with the extension of the West Cambridge Site the possibility of children being around is much greater.


8.4 It was mentioned that the C4 bus that uses JJ Thomson Avenue is not stopping in the lay-by when passengers are alighting, thus causing a hazard for other road users.


MAL is to bring these points up at the West Cambridge Users meeting.
                                                                                                                        ACTION MAL


Dates of the future meetings:
The next meetings will be on the 17th of November and the 15th of December. Please note that the February 2005 meeting is cancelled due to staff absences and shortage of meeting rooms.