University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Health and Safety Committee


Chairman: Dr P Brooks                                                                        Secretary: Mrs L Heptonstall


Minutes of a meeting of the 107th Health and Safety Committee held at 14.15 on Wednesday 21 January 2004 in Room GC22, William Gates Building.


Present:      Mrs L Heptonstall                     Mrs J Cartwright

                  Dr P Brooks                             Dr M Kuhn

                  Mrs M A Levitt                        Mr A Brown

                  Mrs C Matthews                      Mr S Bishop    

                        Mrs A Barretto             Mrs R Moss    

0.Change in the committee

Graham Titmus was unable to arrange a First Aid refresher course in time, so his qualification has lapsed. He considers that there is sufficient representation so he has decided to resign. The committee thanked him for his work over the years.

1. Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the 106th meeting held on 17 December 2003 were approved and signed.

2. Matters arising from the Minutes

3. Correspondence

3.1 Training courses for Personal Safety Awareness and Artificial UV sources.
The Laser Safety Officer reported that a Research Assistant in the Security Group was to attend a course on Artificial UV sources.


Other courses available were

      Containment Level 2 (microbiology)

      Personal Safety Awareness

      Making Environmental Measurements (eg fume cupboards face velocities)


4. First Aid and Accidents

4.1 New First Aiders to be recruited.

The chairman reported that we we have recently lost two first aiders, and will be losing another in the summer. Email to Wednesday and Assistant-Staff has yielded three volunteers, plus another volunteer who will be on sabbatical, so cannot be trained in time. 

It was noted that published lists of First Aiders were out of date and should be corrected.
                                                ACTION          The Chairman to contact the relevant authorities.

4.2 Accident Report Book
This needs to be registered with a named person, rather than a role such as “Secretary to the Health and Safety Committee”. As such it was agreed that the current secretary to the department (Margaret Levitt) should be registered.

5. Workplace Assessments
The Chairman reported on one assessment carried out since the last meeting.  A new research student had requested a writing tablet to replace the standard mouse.  This had been provided and similar kit would be available to other users on request.

6. Fire

6.1 Fire Certificate
The Fire Brigade had re-assessed the WG Building and a Fire Certificate was to be issued pending correction of their copy of the building plans.  Archie Brown is to chase up fire officer for copy of new policy.

6.2 Failed Fire Head
Archie Brown reported that a faulty fire head in SN03 had been replaced following a fire alarm during the Christmas vacation.

7. Building Matters

7.1 Door closers
Archie Brown reported that it wasn’t FN17 but FN21 which had the faulty door closer. This has now been repaired.

7.2 Food and drink in offices and lecture rooms

Margaret Levitt reported that she was still in the process of consulting the Head of Department and hoped to have a policy decision in time for the next meeting.
                                                            ACTION    Margaret Levitt to report to the next meeting.

7.3 Disabled toilet
Archie Brown reported that the disabled WC on the SW landing has now been fully repaired.

7.4 The Re-enabling of exit buttons
There was some concern that after the Head of Department has authorised the disabling of the “Green Button” in lecture theatre 1, due to the expected protestors, the circuit had not been reenabled. Although the door would have unlocked had the fire alarm gone off, and the green break glass override was still available, it was suggested that a procedure was needed to ensure that the circuit be reenabled in future.

7.5 No Smoking policy

Archie Brown reported further cigarette damage to furniture.  The Committee considered what action could be taken and decided to refer the matter to the Building Users Committee.

8. West Cambridge Site

8.1 Coton Footpath

The Chairman reported that the West Cambridge Site Manager had said that the money for the bus service has been specially approved, so it could not be re-channelling to other uses, and that he was investigating the category status of the Coton Footpath.


9. Any Other Business

9.1 Emergency Evacuation practices
Jenni Cartwright asked if a practice evacuation could be held in the near future as the LCE had several new members who had not experienced one. Caroline Matthews asked if the department’s induction guidelines needed to be updated to give clearer instructions on the emergency evacuation procedure.

The departmental Fire Services Manager was asked to seek guidance from the University Fire Officer on the appropriate advice on instructions in case of fire, and to arrange a practise.

                                                            ACTION          Archie Brown to contact the Fire Officer.
Date of the next meeting
Wednesday 18 February 2004 in GC22.

Other meetings in 2004:
17 March, 21 April, 19 May, 16 June, 21 July, 18 August, 15 September, 20 October, 17 November, 15 December.


























Minutes completed by:                                      Approved by :


Date completed:                                                           Date Approved :