University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Minutes of the 95th Health and Safety Committee Meeting held on

Wednesday 18th December 2002 in GC22


Present:         P Brooks (Chairman), A Brown, C Bean, K Ellis (Secretary), M Levitt,

                        A Leeke,

Apologies:     Maurice Read (University Fire Officer), G Titmus, P Neaves, R Moss,

                        M Kuhn


1.               Items for Any Other Business



2.               Any Corrections to Previous Minutes



3.               Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports

NR023: A member of the canteen staff complained of an eyelash being stuck in his eye.  After continuously rubbing he had possibly scratched the eye for it to become inflamed.  A first aider was called and an eye wash was carried out.  It was recommended that he go and see his local GP straightaway.


4.               Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral Forms



5.                              Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

5.1 (5.1)     Fire

The University Fire Officer is still in the process of reviewing where the signs are to be refitted.

Action: MR


The Fire Wardens Course on the 4th December was cancelled.  There will be another course arranged in early January.  A member of Engineering will now be going on this as well.


The fire extinguishers on the second floor are now in position but there are a couple which still need to be fitted to the walls and a fire blanket still to be put in place.


5.2 (5.2)     Inspection of Water

The inspection was carried out but the work is still to be carried out.  This is on the outstanding list of things to be done.  There is also a double lock valve which needs putting on the first floor near the Intel block.


Action AB


5.3(5.3)      Rodents in the Building

                  There has been bait laid under the floor tiles in FC03 and the area is being monitored on a regular basis.


5.4 (5.4)     Temperature/Fire Doors in Lecture Theatres

                  RMJM are due to convert the door seals for regular use, but in the mean time AB will use gaffer tape to put around the doors to stop the draft.  This is still ongoing.

 Action AB


5.5(5.7)      Chilled Drinking Water

                  AB confirmed that the cold water machine has been purchased and will be fitted in the New Year.

Action: AB

5.6 (7.3)     Second Floor Fit-Out

AB confirmed that PAN has found a fire warden from Engineering and he will contact the Optics Group and ask them to identify a fire warden.

Action:  PAN


It was also reported that Engineering need to be inducted.  MAL requested that Diena give Engineering (Jennifer Cartwright: LCE, and Adrian Wonfor: Optics) the forms we use and they can adapt them for their use.

Action: MAL


5.7 (7.4)     A Frame Ladder

Will Hudson from the Safety Office came and saw the A frame ladder and said that it was not acceptable.


Building Services are looking into obtaining some high stable steps for changing of lights in the Intel Lab classrooms and carrying out risk assessments.

Action:  PAN/AB


6                Any Other Business



7.               Correspondence

7.1             Bus Shelter for a Student with a Disability

A user reported we have a student with a disability who comes in by bus and has asked if it would be possible to have a bus shelter at the bus stop on JJ Thomson Avenue.  This request has been passed to Andrew Gordon, the West Cambridge Development Manager, for attention but he was not hopeful that this would be provided in the near future.  This may be something that would be done as the development of West Cambridge continues.


7.2                          CEC Shredder and Chilled Water Machine location

The Fire Officer said that he would prefer the Shredder and Chilled water machine on the second floor to be on the other side of the corridor due to fire regulations.  It was discussed that a floor box be fitted on the other side of the corridor and this is still to be investigated further.

Action: AB



7.3             PAT Testing of Kettles

                  There was a discussion of use of kettles in offices which the Committee agreed should be discouraged.  Problems of tripping electricity supplies to a whole corridor were a real risk where water was near to floor boxes.  It was agreed that if anyone needed to use a kettle in their own office they would have to make a case to IML and if there was a real reason then a risk assessment and PAT testing of the equipment must to be carried out.  Generally it was hoped that people would be content to use the kitchens for making food/drink. PB will be contacting IML about this.

Action PB/IML


7.4             Request from MPhil students for facilities to make hot drinks

                  A request from MPhil Students were considered by the Committee but thought not to be possible because of numerous problems.  Water supply, electrical concerns and the mess were the main problems noted.


7.5             Fridges

                  Dissatisfaction about the state of the fridges around the building was expressed.  This appeared to be a problem in all of the kitchens where there was multiple users.  MAL agreed to send an email reminding everyone to clear fridges before Christmas and to remind them about cleanliness and hygiene.  (Afternoon: Done)

Action: MAL


7.6             Cleaners

                  AB confirmed that the cleaners would operate a light cleaning service over the period 20 December to 1 January 03.  (Afternoon: Done)



8.               Date for future Meetings

Meeting will take place at 14.15 in GC22 on the third Wednesday of every month unless stated otherwise *:-


22nd January*, 19th February, 19th March, 16th April, 21st May, 18th June, 16th July 20th August, 17th September, 15th October, 19th November, 17th December








PB/KE 14th January 2003