University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Minutes of the 93rd Health and Safety Committee Meeting held on

Wednesday 16th October 2002 in GC22


Present:         P Brooks (Chairman), A Brown, C Bean, K Ellis (Secretary), M Kuhn, R Moss, M Levitt,

Apologies:     Maurice Read (University Fire Officer), G Titmus, P Neaves, P Crofts


1.               Items for Any Other Business

                  Animal Fouling in the Bike Sheds


2.               Any Corrections to Previous Minutes

                  Correction to 5.6 – £2 Million


3.               Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports

NR020: A student fell off his bike down Grange Road after his brakes locked and he went over the handlebars.   A first aider attended and he was sent to hospital for stitches.

NR021:  A student fell off his bike while trying to avoid another cycle.  First aiders attended and he was sent to hospital.  He later had an operation.


4.               Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral Forms

We have a new RA who has carpel tunnel Syndrome and has a long upper leg.  AB has been requested to supply a set of chairs to find one that fits.


5.               Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

5.1 (6.1)     Whittle

PB contacted Peter Taylor (EMBS) about the cycle lane markings.  He then contacted Paul Cosford who is the Senior Engineer from Hannah - Reed who said the general policy is for cycles to give way to cars unless there are traffic lights fitted.


5.2 (6.2)     Fire

MK had talked to Silas Brown who said that he is doing fine in the building and see no need for improving the contrast of stair steps. 


It was brought to the committee’s attention that the hanging fire exit signs adjacent to the Grid Line E doors are being caught and broken off when the wiring closet doors are opened.  The University Fire Officer is in the process of reviewing where the signs are to be refitted.

Action: MR


The 2nd Floor fire alarm work is still ongoing.  AB reported that Defensor are still putting in extra heads.


PB, RMJM, Unviersity Fire Officer and the Station Officer had a meeting earlier in the week.  We are having red fire alarm points added beside the Grid Line E doors on the first and second floor which also directly unlock the doors.


5.3 (6.3)     Rodents in the Building

                  AB reported C Herkes (a consultant from RMJM) and D Robinson (from NG Bailey) had been going round the building doing some measurements in the vent system.  Within GW01 under the floor tiles they found a dead rat.  Pest control was contacted and it was removed but no further action was required.


5.4 (5.9)     Temperature/Fire Doors in Lecture Theatres

                  MK reported that Lecture Theatre 2’s temperature is still low.  RMJM are going to convert the door seals for regular use, but in the mean time AB will see if the temporary fix can be improved

Action AB


6                Any Other Business

6.1             Lifts

Engineering have taken up the service contract for the lifts.  A sign has now been produced giving instructions on how to use the lift in case of emergency.


Sun Alliance Insurance Company called to carry out a lift inspection for insurance purposes.  Everything went ok


6.2(6.3)      Parking for Contractors

After discussion about the parking in the drop-off area, the committee felt that as the Head of Department was keen on a more restrictive use of the drop-off area than we felt was necessary on Health and Safety grounds, the matter should be passed to the SMT.


6.3             Air Quality

MK asked if there were any other Health and Safety issues which concerned Silas.  He had noticed dubious air quality around printer ash, suspects it might be ozone-build up because of bad ventilation in that alcove.  AB said he would go round and speak to Silas.

Action AB

6.4             Animal Fouling

RM reported there was some animal fouling in the cycle shed outside the front of the building believed to be foxes.  AB spoke to A Merrick and A Gordon about this, and the suggestion was to try Renadine.  This is a liquid which can be used to deter the animal, due to its smell.  Other than that there isn’t much that can be done without destroying the animal.


6.5             Electrical Hazard

                  There was a report of an electrical hazard in FW25.  AB said a member of staff was in FW25 checking for circuit breakers and opened the door to find an earth lead was hanging there.  AB is to find out if this has been rectified.

Action AB

7.               Correspondence

7.1(7.3)      Chilled Drinking Water

                  AB found that some systems can use POT rather than mains water and will see if such a system can be installed

Action: AB

7.2             Inspection of Water

Cambridge Water Company did an inspection of the water system within WGB.  This was to make sure Shepherds had installed the system correctly to water board regulations.  There were a couple of problems and a report was drawn up and given to Shepherds for rectification of the problems.  This will be an action pending as AB will keep an eye on things and report back to the meeting when necessary.

Action AB


8.               Date for future Meetings

Meeting will take place at 14:15 in GC22 on the third Wednesday of every month unless stated otherwise:-


20th November, 18th December 2002, 22nd January, 19th February, 19th March, 16th April,

21st May, 18th June, 16th July 20th August, 17th September, 15th October, 19th November,

17th December


























PB/KE 4th November 2002