University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Minutes of the 92nd Health and Safety Committee Meeting held on

Wednesday 18th September 2002 in GC22


Present:         P Brooks (Chairman), A Brown, C Bean, R Moss, M Levitt, G Titmus

                        P Neaves, G Binns

Apologies:     PJL Crofts, M Kuhn, University Fire Officer (Maurice Read)

                        K Wheddon (Secretary)


1.               Items for Any Other Business


                  Benefactors’ dinner

                  Toilets for the disabled


2.               Any Corrections to Previous Minutes


3.               Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports

NR019: A contractor working on site cut his hand whilst using a tool to cut through a cable.  A first aider was called who dressed the wound.


4.               Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral Forms



5.               Matters Arising from Previous Minutes


5.1 (6.1)     Whittle

PB still to contact Peter Taylor (EMBS) and chase up the cycle lane markings.

Action: PB


5.2 (6.2)     Fire

MK had sent apologies to the meeting therefore it was not known whether he had contacted Silas Brown on his views about the visual markers on the bottom two stairs.

Action: MK


It was brought to the committee’s attention that the hanging fire exit signs in the secure cycle area were obstructing the opening of the doors.  This is being dealt with by the University Fire Officer.

Action: MR

It was reported that a fire door closure had been fitted to FS17, the Intel kitchen.  A door closure was no longer needed in GE15 as the microwave had been removed.


A large number of messages had been received regarding fire strategies.  Martin Cash had advised that we need take no further action.



5.3 (6.3)     Rodents in the Building

                  AB reported that the bait traps outside the b building had been removed.  If any sighting of rodents is reported DRE with come and lay fresh bait.


5.4 (6.4)     Recycling Bins

                  AB reported that nothing has happened as yet.


5.5 (6.5)     Lasers in the Lecture Theatres

                  PB had looked around and as all seemed to be correctly labelled, and could see no reason to stop them being used.


5.6 (6.7)     Public Evening/Weekend Functions

AB reported that his enquiries had revealed that a risk assessment needed to be carried out prior to each function and that the organisers of any function needed to carry £2.5 million liability insurance cover.  Other University departments would be covered by their own insurance.  Although Intel are tenants of the building, as they are not members of the University they would not be covered.  It was agreed that a member of staff/security need to be contactable if out of hours use is granted.  It was agreed that we are not in the business of letting.  However, the event scheduled for 5 November was recognised as an exception.


5.7 (6.9)     Safety Inspection Report Form

                  Many of the items on the snags list have been cleared and RMJM are to do an inspection.  It was agreed that this item could be removed from the Minutes.


5.8 (7.1)     Glass Entrance Doors

AB reported that the rubber seal had stayed in place since he had put it back, but he believed that the doors may need to be replaced.


5.9 (7.2)     Temperature/Fire Doors in Lecture Theatres

                  A lot of work has been carried out on the venting systems and the temperature in the lecture theatres is much improved.  However, final checks are still to be carried out.  RMJM have been asked to modify the external doors in order that they can be used as a daily exit route.


6                Any Other Business


6.1             Lifts

Following a member of staff getting stuck in the lift the engineers had been in to realign the doors and programme the telephone inside the lift with emergency contact numbers.  AB is to produce a notice with instructions for use in an emergency.  The maintenance contract on the lifts was for one year and this is now being picked up by Engineering.

Action: AB



6.2             Toilet for the Disabled

                  RM reported that the door to the toilet for the disabled on the first floor was very stiff.


6.3             Parking for Contractors

                  It was reported that contractors have been parking at the front of the building.  It was agreed that this area must be kept clear for emergency vehicles and that signs should be put up instructing contractors to use the side car park.

Action: AB


7.               Correspondence and Leaflets

7.1             PB reported that leaflets about old light fittings and HIV and Aids had been received


7.2             PB had received notification that a new Undergraduate student has impaired sight.


7.3             Provision of chilled drinking water for students.  AB to research for next meeting.

Action: AB


8.               Date for future Meetings

Meeting will take place at 14:15 in GC22 on the third Wednesday of every month unless stated otherwise:-


20th November, 18th December 2002