University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Minutes of the 85th Health and Safety Committee Meeting held on Wednesday

21st November 2001 in GC22


Present:    P Brooks (Chairman), C Bean, P J L Crofts, K Crofts, M A Levitt, P A Neaves, Maurice Read (University Fire Officer), G Titmus, K Wheddon (Secretary)


0.               Visitors

Maurice Read the University Fire Officer, attended our meeting to help us with some site related concerns.  He thought he might be able to regularly attend our meetings.


1.               Items for Any Other Business



2.               Any Corrections to Previous Minutes



3.               Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports

NR007.  A member of staff knocked his head after bending down and hitting his head on the shelving.  His office has since been rearranged to prevent this happening again.

NR008.  A member of staff walked in through an open door and his left hand caught the door handle.  After discussion it was decided that GT would take a walk round and check random door handles for sharpness.

NR009.  A member of the Cafeteria Kitchen staff scolded his arm after reaching for a cloth that was placed on top of the oven. Steam coming from the top of the oven caused the injury.


4.               Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral Forms

                  WPA006.  A user requested a foot rest.  A WPA was carried out and the problem seems to stem from his height making it hard to fit under his desk.  His desk was exchanged and PJLC adjusted it to suit his needs.  He was given a Display Screen Equipment Book and completed a Self-WPA form.


5.               Matters Arising from Previous Minutes


5.1(5.2)      VDU Workstation Assessment Training course for Assessors

PJLC is still to put forward the revised version of the VDU Assessment Document as a proposed University Document.


                                                                                                            Action PJLC


5.2(5.3)      Roles Relating to Health and Safety

The Assistant Staff and Academic Related Induction Form has been circulated round for changes/comments. MAL will be making the relevant changes ready for the next meeting.

Action: MAL




6.               Any Other Business


6.1             Office Safety Seminar

PAN attended the Office Safety Seminar on the 14th November.  The Seminar showed a number of different dangers and it was felt only to be of use to people who had had no training in the relevant areas.


6.2             Replacement of Health and Safety Committee Members

A replacement for WFC is still being sought (Markus Kuhn subsequently volunteered).  PJLC has also asked a member of the Cafeteria to attend meetings.  She is currently thinking about the position.

6.3             Other Matters

MJR reported we now have another University Fire Safety Manager to work along side him - Mr Perry Sennitt.


The committee also discussed the formal status of the current Fire Safety Manager for our building and CB is to action the Head of Department to get a formal letter of appointment.

Action: CB


7.               Correspondence


7.1             Manual Handling Training Course

PAN is in discussion with Jane Blunt of Physics to try and arrange the Manual Handling Training Course.  She will be arranging a three-day course, which PAN will attend.  We still hope that Central Authorities will fund it directly.


7.2             Items relating to the New Building – Move: New Building, etc.

PJLC said that there is now a book in reception looked after by Bailey’s to help with the monitoring of air flow in the building.  There is also a temperature recorder in various rooms scattered around the building.  This will be returned shortly to monitor each room individually.  EMBS should be monitoring the system once a day.


7.3             Fire

Three fire Assembly points have now been put up around the building.  PB asked the University Fire Officer if the assembly point signs could be moved round to face the building as you couldn’t see them from inside.  It was also thought that there should be some No Smoking signs around the building.


The University Fire Officer (MJR) requested a copy of our Ground Floor plan of the building to look over and decide which doors are fire exits.  KW has also sent a copy of Marconi’s Emergency and Fire Procedure.

Action: MJR


PAN attended a Fire Managers Course.  He is now going to find out the number of Fire Wardens and arrange a meeting to discuss procedures and arrange a Fire Wardens Course to be held in our building by Darren Franks (University Fire Office).  Again it was also suggested that Marconi attend any courses that relate to our building.

Action: PAN


7.4             Lifts

KONE will be maintaining the Lifts in the building for 1 year and then it will be under discussion.  PJLC has emailed Shepard’s to obtain contact names and numbers for KONE.  Once this has happened he will contact Engineering and organise a Hand Winding Course.


                                                                                                                        Action: PJLC


8.               Date for future Meetings


Meeting will take place at 14:15 in GC22 on the third Wednesday of every month unless stated otherwise:-


19th December 2001, 16th January, 20th February, 20th March




































PB/KW 18th December 2001