University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Minutes of the 80th Health and Safety Committee Meeting

held on Wednesday 18th April 2001 in TP4

P Brooks (Chairman), P A Neaves, M A Levitt, W Clocksin, K Wheddon
P J L Crofts, G Titmus, R Hewson

1  Items for Any Other Business

Fire Wardens

2  Any Corrections to Previous Minutes


3  Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports

NR001. A member of staff slipped on some lubricant powder on the tower stairs. A minor cut to the head. A First Aider dealt with it.

4  Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral Forms

We have 3 completed paper Self-WPA's.

5  Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

5.1  (5.1) Split of the Department

PB, SAE, MAL and KW had a meeting to discuss Health and Safety administration.

5.2  (5.2) West Cambridge Site

PJLC still in discussion about Health and Safety representation at the West Cambridge Site. PB contacted the Safety Advisor at Physics who is keen to sort outside wide safety co-ordination, but is concerned not to avoid overlap with any existing groups  PJLC will liase with her and Andrew Gordon.

Action: PJLC

5.3  (5.3) VDU Workstation Assessment Training Course for Assessors

PJLC is still to put forward the revised version of the VDU assessment document as a proposed University document.

Action: PJLC

5.4  (5.4) Roles Relating to Health and Safety

A list of the roles relating to Health and Safety was sent round for discussion and are attached.

There is some uncertainty as to whether we shall be having a Building Service Manager in the long term.  Until next year the funding for that post is being spent on contracting someone to commission the new building.  As such some management and monitoring roles may be reassigned to the Departmental Secretary, Committee Secretary or Building Services.

No. 1 - It is assumed that PAN will be our FSM, but this will be finalised when the details of the BSM have been sorted.

No. 12,13 - The candidate for the new CO post has turned down the job offer, so alternatives may need to be sought.

No 16 - It was thought that N Dodgson should carry on with this.

Nos. 17,18 - The Departmental Secretary and committee Secretary are working on a new unified Assistant Staff and Academic Related induction form, and are likely to do the H&S aspects.

Action: MAL, KW

No. 29 - The Departmental Secretary was approached by the Head of Department as to which of them should be the Environmental Co-ordinator, and she volunteered.

No. 30 - We are unaware of any Union Representatives in the department, so need to investigate.

Action: PB

5.5  (6.1) Female First Aider

PB approached the Head of Department. Head of Department is investigating further

Action: IML

6  Any Other Business

6.1  Fire Wardens

A Fire Wardens course took place on 18.4.01. Requesting a list of attendees from Mark Barringer. PAN has managed to find sufficient Fire Wardens to cover the first two floors of the new building. After the move, he will liase with other departments on the site to arrange a training session.

7  Correspondence

7.1  Green Issues

Terms of references for the Environmental Co-ordinator have been received.  We are keen to find a member of the department, not necessarily a member of the committee, who has a particular interest in the subject.

Action: WFC

8  Dates for Future Meetings

Meeting will take place at 14:15 in TP4 on the third Wednesday of every month unless stated otherwise:- 16th May, 20th June and 18th July

PB/kw 19th April 2001

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 2.89.
On 9 May 2001, 13:07.