University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Minutes of the 79th Health and Safety Committee Meeting

held on Wednesday 21st March 2001 in TP4

P Brooks (Chairman), PJL Crofts, G Titmus, R Hewson, PA Neaves, MA Levitt, K Wheddon

1  Items for Any Other Business

First Aiders, MPhil Wrist Rests and Correspondence.

2  Any Corrections to Previous Minutes


3  Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports


4  Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral Forms

No assessments to report.

5  Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

5.1  (5.1) Split of the Department

PB, SAE, MAL and KW still need to meet to discuss Health & Safety administration.
Action: PB, SAE, MAL, KW

5.2  (5.2) West Cambridge Site

PJLC is still in discussion about Health & Safety representation at the West Cambridge Site, but there was some concern that asking too many University officials to attend may make the meetings too formal.

Action: PJLC

PB suggested the full time Safety Adviser at Physics might be approached to see if a Site Safety Committee might be set up.
Action: PB

5.3  (5.3) VDU Workstation Assessment Training Course for Assessors

PJLC is still to put forward the revised version of the VDU assessment document as a proposed University document.
Action: PJLC

5.4  (5.4) Roles Relating to Health and Safety

The roles are to be discussed at the next meeting. A list will be sent round in advance for consideration.
Action: PB

6  Any other Business

6.1  Female First Aider

A female member of the department is getting a First Aid certificate, and asked whether she should become a University First Aider. The Health and Safety Committee are very keen for this to happen, as the current First Aiders are all male. However, it was thought that the university may consider that we already have sufficient First Aiders. The meeting felt that the Head of Department should be asked to try to arrange it.
Action: PB

6.2  MPhil Wrist Rests

An MPhil student commented about the shortage of wrist rests at Engineering and in Cockcroft 4. Although he is not a member of the department, it was proposed that a WPA be carried out, and equipment be provided as necessary.

6.3  Green Issues and Disability Circulars

Matters relating to Green Issues and Disability are to be redirected to a suitable person once one has been identified.

6.4  Annual Safety Seminar

At the Annual Safety Seminar it was said that most Heads of Department should be more involved with health and safety. The committee felt that it was not our responsibility to make this happen, but the Safety Office's.

It was also said that most Departments should be more proactive about health and safety, looking for problems rather than waiting for accidents to happen.

The Safety Office have 3 new posts. These will speed up the planned provision of more training and template Departmental documents.

7  Dates of Future Meetings

Meetings will take place at 14:15 in TP4 on the third Wednesday of every month unless stated otherwise:-

18th April, 16th May, 20th June and 18th July.

PB/kw 22 March 2001

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 2.89.
On 30 Mar 2001, 11:11.