University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Minutes of the 77th Health and Safety Committee Meeting

held on 17th January 2001 in TP4

P. Brooks (Chairman), P.J.L. Crofts, G. Titmus, R. Hewson, W.F. Clocksin, P.A. Neaves, M.A. Levitt

1  Items for Any Other Business


2  Any corrections to previous minutes

In the minutes of the 76th meeting, the first paragraph of item 17 refers only to the Computing Service.

3   Accidents and matters arising from Accident Reports

None. It was agree that the numbering of Accident Report Forms would start at NR000.

4  Personnel and Workplace Assessment Referral forms

No assessments to report.

5  Matters Arising

5.1   (8) COSHH Records

COSHH records for Building Services will be copied when we move to the new building.
Action: PJLC,PAN

5.2  (15) Split of the Department

PB, SAE, MAL and the secretary to the T&R committee will meet to discuss health & safety administration when the secretary has been appointed.
Action: PB, SAE, MAL

5.3  (16) West Cambridge Site

PB contacted Andrew Gordon, the West Cambridge Site Development officer, but it is still unclear whether the existing site meeting is relevant. As PJLC attends the meetings, he will try to ascertain what groups exist.
Action: PJLC

5.4  (18a) VDU Workstation Assessment Training Course for Assessors

The course was held on 11 January, and was attended by PB, GT, PJLC, PAN and members of the CS committee. It was the first course which had been given jointly by Occupational Health and the Safety Office. It was felt to be of use by all those who attended. We hope that the remaining members of the committee will be able to attend a similar course later.

The draft of the VDU assessment document was discussed with Lorraine Peril and Sara Cooper before the course. All areas appear to have been covered satisfactorily, and a revised version should be available soon.
Action: PJLC

6  Roles Relating to Health and Safety

A number of roles relating to Health and Safety within the department were considered, and likely occupants were suggested in some cases. Once we have settled in the building we should be able to decide the most suitable occupants.

A Fire Safety Manager is not needed until new building, as the role is for a building rather than a department. However, PAN is attending FSM sessions in the mean time. We need to arrange access and familiarisation before we move in.
Action: PJLC

Regular routine testing of the fire alarms will be carried out by Building Services, as at present.

Building Services are trained in PAT testing, and will continue to do the routine testing in the new building. It was noted that this also covers computers. It is expected that the interval for testing of fixed PCs will be larger than for other equipment such as lamps, heaters and kettles. A second set of testing equipment will be needed when Building Services split.

A member of the committee may take a role to overview the procedure as a whole, and things like the management of records.

The annual inspection of whole building will be undertaken a short time after settling in. As before, pairs of members of the committee will check the various sections.

It is assumed that the secretary to the committee will be responsible for collecting items for the agenda; reminding the committee about the meetings; processing Accident Report Forms; ensuring that policy documents are reviewed regularly; monitoring the Health and Safety noticeboards; obtaining and distributing Government and University documents relating to Heath and Safety; processing Work Place Assessment forms and reminding First Aiders to check their boxes. Safety notices around the building will be placed and maintained by Building Services.

The generation of local documentation will be organised by the committee as appropriate.

Workplace assessments will usually be carried out by the user, and the information returned to the secretary. If the user does not feel confident about self assessment, a member of the committee who has been trained in Work Place Assessment will assist.

The RSI lecture to new undergraduates will be given by an interested member of the teaching staff.

An Induction document already exists for assistant staff, and a similar document is under preparation by the Departmental Secretary for other members of the Laboratory.

Stock of aids for workplace use, such as wrist rests and foot rests, are to be held in stores.

Manual Handling courses will be arranged by the Building Services Manager as required.

First Aid Supplies will be held in stores. Replenishment and checking of public First Aid Boxes and regular checks of the First Aid Room are to be undertaken by Building Services.

COSHH records will be generated as needed by the relevant senior member of staff, e.g. The Building Services Manager for stores and Building Services, and the senior UTO in a research group using substances covered by COSHH. All records will be collected and managed by Building Services.

Matters relating to Disability and Green Issues are currently forwarded to the Health and Safety committee. If suitable people with interests in these area can be found, we will pass on such information. It was suggested that the Student Administrator might be a suitable contact for Disability matters.

Site liaison will be undertaken by the Building Services Manager.

Union representatives need to be added to info about Heath and Safety.

7  Any Other Business


8  Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 21st February at 14:15.

PB/gt 24.1.01

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 2.89.
On 13 Mar 2001, 13:55.