All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.CloseableFrame
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.Dial
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.DownSection
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.InputGui
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.MessageBox
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.OutputGui
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.ResetSection
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.SingleEpSection
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.StartSection
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.StopSection
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.UpSection
Address(). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.Address
Constructor methods
Address(int). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.Address


byteValue(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Character
Return the value contained.


Character(). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.Character
Constructor methods
Character(byte). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.Character
Character(char). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.Character
Convert a (unicode/ascii) char into an EDSAC character
Character(LongWord). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.Character
Character(ShortWord). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.Character
charValue(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Character
Return the value contained.
CloseableFrame(String, Component). Constructor for class edsac.gui.CloseableFrame
ColouredLabel(Color, Color, String). Constructor for class edsac.gui.ColouredLabel
configFrame. Variable in class edsac.gui.Gui
ConfigGui(Image). Constructor for class edsac.gui.ConfigGui
Construct a GUI for the EDSAC Configuration window
conway. Static variable in class edsac.datatypes.Tapes
Crt(int, int, int). Constructor for class edsac.gui.Crt
Build a CRT with the specified number of bits, width in pixels, and columns to display the number given.
cubes. Static variable in class edsac.datatypes.Tapes
cycles. Variable in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
The number of cycles which have been executed.


delay. Variable in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
The delay between instructions.
destroy(). Method in class Edsac
Dial(Gui). Constructor for class edsac.gui.Dial
DownSection(Gui). Constructor for class edsac.gui.DownSection
drawAllDisplays(). Method in class edsac.gui.Gui


Edsac(). Constructor for class Edsac


fractValue(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.LongWord
Return the value as a fraction -1 < x < 1
fractValue(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
Return the value as a fraction -1 < x < 1


getAccumulator(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
getAddress(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
Return the address part of this ShortWord, interpreted as an instruction.
getGui(). Method in class edsac.gui.CloseableFrame
getMultiplicand(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
getMultiplier(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
getNext(). Method in class edsac.kernel.TapeReader
Read a character in.
getOpcode(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
Return the opcode part of this ShortWord, interpreted as an instruction.
getOrderCode(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
getSCR(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
getTank(int). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
GUI access methods, for displaying those little flashing lights.
getText(). Method in class edsac.gui.InputGui
returns the contents of the Input Text Area
Gui(Kernel, TeleQueue, Image). Constructor for class edsac.gui.Gui
Builds GUI in one mega method


happy_birthday1. Static variable in class edsac.datatypes.Tapes
Happy 50th Birthday - Switch to Tank 2 and watch.
hello. Static variable in class edsac.datatypes.Tapes
This tape simply prints out "HI" on the teleprinter and runs under initial orders 2


increment(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Address
Increment the address, returning the incremented value (Address itself is not mutable).
init(). Method in class Edsac
Sets up EDSAC applet
initialOrdersVersion. Variable in class edsac.gui.ConfigGui
inputFrame. Variable in class edsac.gui.Gui
InputGui(). Constructor for class edsac.gui.InputGui
intValue(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Address
intValue(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
Return the value in an integer
isApplet. Variable in class Edsac
isInvalid(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Character
Is the character invalid?
isLong(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
Return boolean to test if the command would refer to a long address
isLongOperation(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
Return whether this is an instruction dealing with LongWords
isRunning(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
Returns true if the processor is in free-running mode, and false otherwise.


Kernel(TeleQueue). Constructor for class edsac.kernel.Kernel
Constructor method.


longValue(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.LongWord
Return the value in a long
LongWord(). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.LongWord
Constructor methods:
LongWord(Character). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.LongWord
LongWord(long). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.LongWord
LongWord(ShortWord). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.LongWord


main(String[]). Static method in class Edsac
If used as a program, this loads a frame and then mimics an applet to load the GUI
MainMemoryTube(). Constructor for class edsac.gui.MainMemoryTube
Creates an empty main memory tank
mandelbrot. Static variable in class edsac.datatypes.Tapes
memoryClear(int). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
MessageBox(String). Constructor for class edsac.gui.MessageBox


newShift(boolean). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Character
Returns a boolean for the new state of shift, after processing the current character.


outputFrame. Variable in class edsac.gui.Gui
OutputGui(TeleQueue). Constructor for class edsac.gui.OutputGui
oxo. Static variable in class edsac.datatypes.Tapes


paint(Graphics). Method in class edsac.gui.ConfigGui
paint(Graphics). Method in class edsac.gui.Crt
Controls drawing of CRT
paint(Graphics). Method in class Edsac
Paints backdrop
paint(Graphics). Method in class edsac.gui.Gui
primes. Static variable in class edsac.datatypes.Tapes
This Program Calculates prime numbers.
processWindowEvent(WindowEvent). Method in class edsac.gui.CloseableFrame
putChar(Character). Method in class edsac.kernel.Teletype
Print a character to tape


read(). Method in class edsac.gui.TeleQueue
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: read reads one Edsac Character from the queue returns Edsac Character value from queue
ResetSection(Gui). Constructor for class edsac.gui.ResetSection
restart(int). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
Clear memory, create a new processor.
run(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
Execute continuously until interrupted


setInputTape(String). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
Set the tape that is read from.
setMemory(boolean[][]). Method in class edsac.gui.MainMemoryTube
Updates the contents of the Crt lines
setNumber(boolean[]). Method in class edsac.gui.Crt
Sets the number to be displayed on the Crt and refreshes the display
setTankNumber(int). Method in class edsac.gui.Gui
Sets the number of the tank on display so that the correct one can be fetched from memory
setTape(String). Method in class edsac.kernel.TapeReader
Set the string being used.
ShortWord(). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
Constructor methods
ShortWord(Character). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
ShortWord(Character, boolean). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
ShortWord(long). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
ShortWord(LongWord). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
SingleEpSection(Gui). Constructor for class edsac.gui.SingleEpSection
singleStep(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
Do a single step
squares. Static variable in class edsac.datatypes.Tapes
This is the tape to calculate the square numbers.
startFreeRun(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
Start free running
StartSection(Gui). Constructor for class edsac.gui.StartSection
stopFreeRun(). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
Stop free running
StopSection(Gui). Constructor for class edsac.gui.StopSection


TapeReader(String). Constructor for class edsac.kernel.TapeReader
Constructor method
Tapes(). Constructor for class edsac.datatypes.Tapes
TeleQueue(). Constructor for class edsac.gui.TeleQueue
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor initialise data array, count and indexes
Teletype(TeleQueue). Constructor for class edsac.kernel.Teletype
Constructor method, taking a queue.
toString(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Address
Display information on the contents
toString(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Character
Return the EDSAC perferator character associated with the number.
toString(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.LongWord
Display information on the contents
toString(). Method in class edsac.datatypes.ShortWord
Display information on the contents
toString(boolean). Method in class edsac.datatypes.Character
Return the letter or number on the teleprinter associated with this Character.


updateDialAcc(int). Method in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
UpSection(Gui). Constructor for class edsac.gui.UpSection


whyStopped. Variable in class edsac.kernel.Kernel
The reason for the last stop.
write(Character). Method in class edsac.gui.TeleQueue
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: write writes one Edsac Character value into the queue