Twenty-eighth International Workshop on Security Protocols

Trinity College, Cambridge, UK – 27-28 March 2023

The Twenty-eighth International Workshop on Security Protocols will take place from Monday 27th of March to Tuesday 28th of March 2023 at Trinity College, Cambridge, UK. As with previous years, attendance at the International Workshop on Security Protocols is by invitation only. How do I get invited?


The theme of the 2023 workshop is: Humans in security protocols - are we learning from mistakes?

We have spent decades designing, implementing, using and attacking security protocols and ceremonies with a human in the loop. What lessons can we learn from both failures and success of such protocols, where humans are more than relays of information but make critical decisions? What insights into protocol mistakes will help us design the security ceremonies of the future?

Note: We particularly encourage new participants not to consider the theme as restrictive. As long-time attendees already know, it is quite acceptable to offer a position paper just loosely related or inspired by the theme, on any security-related topic, provided the paper is deemed likely to stimulate an interesting discussion. The theme is offered not as a definition of what’s on/off topic, but to help provide a particular perspective and focus to the discussions. Our intention is to stimulate discussion likely to lead to conceptual advances, or to promising new lines of investigation, rather than to consider finished work. New authors are encouraged to browse through past volumes of post-proceedings (search for Security Protocols Workshop in the Springer LNCS series) to get a flavour for the variety and diversity of topics that have been accepted in past years. Note also how each revised paper is accompanied, in the LNCS post-proceedings, by the transcript of an often lively discussion.


Short indicative submissions are preferred, preferably no more than 2000 words. You will have the opportunity to extend and revise your paper both before the pre-proceedings are issued, and again after the workshop. At the workshop, you will be expected to spend about ten minutes introducing the idea of your paper, in a way which facilitates a longer more general discussion. Pre-proceedings will be provided at the workshop.

See the Submission page for more details.


We are very grateful to our silver sponsors, Meta.

Meta logo


If you have any enquiries about the workshop that are not answered by the Dates, Ground Rules or Submission pages, please contact the Local Arrangements Manager (Jessica Monteith) or the General Chair (Frank Stajano).


SPW reboot
11 Oct 2022

The Security Protocols Workshop will return in 2023.