Instruction Format

Although the basic word size of the EDSAC was 18 bits, only 17 bits could actually be used due to circuit set-up times. The opcode (i.e. one of the instruction codes explained below) was specified in 5 bits, and the address in 10 bits (giving an address range of 1024 short words). The length bit specified the operand length : most instructions could operate on either a 17-bit short word (length = 0), or a 35-bit full word (length = 1).

Instruction Code Format

Instruction Codes

The EDSAC Instruction Set 1949

A n Add the number in storage location n into the accumulator
S n Subtract the number in storage location n from the accumulator
H n Copy the number in storage location n into the multiplier register
V n Multiply the number in storage location n by the number in the multiplier register and add the product into the accumulator
N n Multiply the number in storage location n by the number in the multiplier register and subtract the product from the accumulator
T n Transfer the contents of the accumulator to storage location n and clear the accumulator
U n Transfer the contents of the accumulator to storage location n and do not clear the accumulator
C n Collate [logical and] the number in storage location n with the number in the multiplier register and add the result into the accumulator
R 2^(n-2) Shift the number in the accumulator n places to the right
L 2^(n-2) Shift the number in the accumulator n places to the left
E n If the sign of the accumulator is positive, jump to location n; otherwise proceed serially
G n If the sign of the accumulator is negative, jump to location n; otherwise proceed serially
I n Read the next character from paper tape, and store it as the least significant 5 bits of location n
O n Print the character represented by the most significant 5 bits of storage location n
F n Read the last character output for verification
X No operation
Y Round the number in the accumulator to 34 bits
Z Stop the machine and ring the warning bell

Number Format

The were four number formats which could be used in the EDSAC: short and long integers, and short and long fractions.

Short numbers were 17-bits in length (for reasons explained above) and long ones 35-bits.

Whereas the multiplier and multiplicand registers each had a capacity of 35 bits, the accumulator provided 71 bits. This means that long numbers can be multiplied without overflow.

Character Codes

Editor Window Output Window Binary Decimal
P 0 P 0 00000 0
Q 1 Q 1 00001 1
W 2 W 2 00010 2
E 3 E 3 00011 3
R 4 R 4 00100 4
T 5 T 5 00101 5
Y 6 Y 6 00110 6
U 7 U 7 00111 7
I 8 I 8 01000 8
O 9 O 9 01001 9
J   J   01010 10
Pi (type in as "#")   Figure shift 01011 11
S   S " 01100 12
Z   Z + 01101 13
K   K ( 01110 14
Erase (type in as "*")   Letter shift 01111 15
Blank Tape (type in as "." )   (no effect) 10000 16
F   F $ 10001 17
Theta (type in as "@")   Carriage return 10010 18
D   D ; 10011 19
Phi (type in as "!")   Space 10100 20
H + H £ 10101 21
N - N , 10110 22
M   M . 10111 23
Delta (type in as "&")   Line feed 11000 24
L   L ) 11001 25
X   X / 11010 26
G   G # 11011 27
A   A - 11100 28
B   B ? 11101 29
C   C : 11110 30
V   V = 11111 31