Some sample questions Topic 1: Draw a family tree of languages you have seen in the Tripos and how their main influences from historically notable languages. Why is it ever worth studying dead languages? Topic 2/3/4: What do Fortran, Algol and LISP contribute to modern languages? Characterise, in two sentences each, a "motivating example" for what users might want to program each of in these languages? What did they adopt or reject from each other? Topic 4: What are Pascal discriminated unions, and what machine-level structures can they capture? Why are they unsafe? How can they be represented directly in C? Give similar, but safe, analogues in Java and ML. Topic 5: What innovations did Simula add beyond its Algol heritage? Do any of its ideas survive in modern languages? How is the idea of `simulation' related to object-orientation? What is Smalltalk? Topic 6: What does the phrase "strong typing" mean? Show how hard-to-find errors can result from the absence of strong typing. Distinguish static typing and dynamic typing. Does static or dynamic typing imply strong typing? Is Java completely statically typed or completely dynamically typed? Give a Java program which passes the type checker but raises a type-related exception at run-time. Topic 6 (polymorphism): Exemplify three forms of polymorphism using Java constructs. What problems arise when combining subtype and generic polymorphism? Give an example program showing how Java arrays can give subtype-related errors at run time. How do Java generics avoid this problem? How can I make a covariant ArrayList in Java? Topic 7: What is a scripting language? How does JavaScript execute within a browser and interact with a web page? Topic 8: Explain the core features of the OCaml Modules language. What is an OCaml Functor? Is it more or less expressive than the idea of inheritance in Java? Topic 9: What are threads? Why might they be hard for users and compilers to reason about? Why might Cilk's constructs be `better'? Give reasons for why threads would, or would not, be a good solution for programming a Google-like data centre? What is internal and external iteration? Why might one be better than the other for exploiting parallelism? Topic 10: What is Scala? What is the expression problem? How does it affect the ease of making small changes to a program spread over many files? Topic 11: What is a monad? What are its operations? Distinguish between a side-effecting function, a pure function and a `computation' value in a monad. Assuming an IO monad, give the types of expressions which: (a) read a line from stdin (b) read a line from a file specified by parameter f (c) write a line to stdout (d) write a line to a file specified by parameter f. Given values c and int of type `unit IO' and `int' respectively, give a program which performs c (a) twice (b) n times How does a GADT enable users to represent data structures more precisely than core ML can? Originally Alan Mycroft 27/4/2017, edited Anil Madhavapeddy 24/4/2024.