From some answers to Neural Computing question 3...

For the 1999-2000 Neural Computing course, one of 3 Tripos questions (p9q8) asked (in part) about evidence for the theory that the demands of "Social Computation" have dominated human brain evolution. The full Question and a "model answer" can be found in Exercise 17(A), pages 36 - 37, of the Learning Guide for this course.

But some of the answers offered were more illuminating....

"A logical, rational human being may seem 'boring' and thus will not evolve according to Darwin's theory of sexual selection."

"Mathematical skills have a negative impact on reproductive success."

"For example, if one person develops a better method of talking to members of the opposite sex, then the algorithms that have led to this ability will become more widespread than algorithms that lead to isolationism."

"Social skills have allowed humans to become conscious and philosophise."

"Until Pythagoras and Archimedes, skills at symbol manipulation were unimportant for social status."

"Body language is especially important in mating."

"...the rapid increase in the number of Cambridge computer scientists with girlfriends. Perhaps this suggests that the logic centres of the brain are at last becoming a driving force for sexual survival!"

"Detecting gaze angle and eye contact are fast-tracked in the brain. This suggests new ideas for HCI; e.g. an aircraft cockpit with eyeball like dials might be more rapidly comprehensible."

"...which might explain the presence of the 'religion cortex' next to the visual cortex."

"So if we wish to develop programes that can pass the Turing Test, we must incorporate sexual attraction / attractiveness into them."

"Deciding whether we are really interacting with another mind, rather than a complex and cunningly programmed robot, is something humans do effortlessly and automatically, indicating that the brain is optimised for such a task."

"Life is much more a game of bluff than of calculated method."

"To form a mental state corresponding to 'What does she really think about me?' is a massively complex problem."