Protocol Details

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Protocol Details

Connection Control

The port number that is used for this protocol is The server may (as with all MSNL connections) close the connection at will, but should normally hold an idle connection open for a couple of minutes. Some servers permit multiple simultaneous connections, but this is not a requirement of the protocol.

Error codes

On Wanda error codes are negative; on Unix they are positive. On Wanda there are many more (Wanda specific) error codes as well as the Unix ones. On Wanda the error codes that are also Unix error codes are the negative of the Unix error code value.

When a Wanda server returns an error to a protocol operation, it returns the negation of the Wanda error number. That means that for error codes that are present on Unix systems the returned value will be the same as the value used to represent the same error code on a Unix system.

Buffer lengths

None of the current command implementations modify the length of the message sent by the client. Thus the client should ensure that the length of the command message is sufficient to contain any appropriate response that the client expects.


No reliability is performed. There is no provision for sequence numbers. All commands should be designed to be idempotent and can therefore be repeated until a response is achieved. The client may choose whether to use at least once or at most once semantics.

Richard Black