Rambles around computer science

Diverting trains of thought, wasting precious time

Tue, 01 Jul 2014

Drop-in debugging

If you're debugging a problem that occurs in some process deep in a process tree, getting a debugger onto that process can be hard. I recently wrote a script called gdbrun that can help with this. The idea is that for any command cmd args, you can do gdbrun cmd args and it will run the program under a debugger, while externally behaving just like the original program. The exception is if the program doesn't terminate properly: in that case the debugger sticks around for you to interact with. (If you need a more complex condition than “doesn't terminate properly”, you can code that into the script too.)

This isn't ideal—say, if you only want to debug only one invocation of that binary among many. But it works in many cases. (I'm also working on a solution for the harder case, but one thing at a time.) The script is deceptively simple. Sadly it needs GNU bash, but for any non-GNU people it should be easy enough to port.


exec 7<&0
exec 8>&1
exec 9>&2

quote () {
    sed "s/\([\`\\\\\\\"\\\$]\)/\\\\\\1/g"

while true; do
    if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
        # don't use 'echo' to generate input for quote, otherwise "-e" will be disappear'd
        argstring="${argstring:+${argstring} }\"$( cat <<<"$1" | quote )\""
    ctr=$(( $ctr + 1 ))
    shift || break


# can add -hold here to help debugging
xterm -e gdb \
    --eval-command "file $exe" \
    --eval-command "run $argstring </dev/fd/7 >/dev/fd/8 2>/dev/fd/9" \
    --eval-command "set logging file ${exit_status_file}" \
    --eval-command "set logging on" \
    --eval-command "print \$_exitcode" \
    --eval-command "quit \$_exitcode" </dev/null

inferior_status=$(cat ${exit_status_file} | sed 's/.* = //' )
exit ${inferior_status:-0}

What was hard? Firstly, it took some head-bashing to realise that sharing a terminal between the debugger and inferior wasn't going to work. That's why the script uses xterm—popping up terminal windows for an instant is a minor annoyance, but tolerable. I can't say for certain that a shared-terminal solution isn't possible, but the usual trick of stty -tostop wasn't enough to stop child processes hanging from contention for the terminal, so I gave up.

The second hard thing, and the hardest, was realising that I could thread duplicated file descriptors right down to the inferior, and open them with /dev/fd/7 and friends. This was non-obvious to poor old me. I first tried a solution with named pipes and cat processes forwarding data from/to the gdbrun script's streams to the inferior's streams. After much gnashing of teeth, this turned out to be unworkable. The reason is that pipes are asynchronous channels, meaning they're buffered. A consequence is that even if the inferior doesn't read from its input, some input data will be buffered in the pipe when it gets opened (actually it's opened by the shell that launches the inferior, using gdb's run <infile syntax), and then discarded when the inferior dies. So if you have a command like echo blah |(gdbrun true; cat) your blah will get gobbled into oblivion. The moral of the tale is that introducing cats and pipes is a recipe for mischief.

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